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Picture of The Week

Page 8 - Pics from 4/07/09

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"Keep going, I lost my kitten right about there"

Susan never figured out why everybody else was facing the wall... or why they all called he an idiot.

"Welp, we've reached our cruising altitude. I'd better serve those beverages."

After 4 years, Peter finally perfected the toilet paper chest cannon.

Quick, staring contest, me and you, now! ... ... ... You win freaky soulless mask, you always do.

Susan kicked herself for believing the weatherman when he said that it wouldn't rain today... and that it would be a good day for sweaters and bare feet.

That's why you don't leave a cup of coffee sit out for too long. You never know what kind of germs are growing in there.

When his friends said, "Don't mess with the dudes in helmets, you'll get a grenade chucked at you," Tom thought his friends were only kidding.

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