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Picture of The Week

Page 21 - Pics from the week of 6/01/09

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Translation - "My beard is out of control! Please Help!"

The guy on the right is laughing because he can see where 'Bruno' pulled his career from.

Is that gun under your kilt or are you just happy to… oh, ok.

This is a collage of all of the pictures from one of the June 2nd pages. Apparently the Wall Street Journal decided to devote an entire page to dudes just chillin and not smiling.

I swear, this picture smells like beef jerky, no?

And now we know where baby planes come from.

Claire and Nancy were too stupid to know their lives were in danger. Joe was too stoned to attempt a scary face.

Using a new technique, the U.S. goalkeeper thought shouting insults at the ball would cause it to lose its motivation to go into the goal.

Yea, that did it.

Have you heard the story of the lion and the mouse? Well it doesn't always work.

What's more strange… the fact that this is an art exhibit or that somebody gets paid to mow that lawn?

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